The 5 Best Selling DIY Bath and Body products
What are the 5 best selling Bath or Body products on the marketplace today? It's a really good question if you're considering starting a Business.
Let me put my disclaimer in very early. This list is based on my own experience of selling my brand of products through the Harvest Collective Store.
What I can tell you is that this definitely wasn't what I was expecting and I suppose that different business owners in the Industry may very well have completely different experiences.
I'll provide a listing of the products , ending with the biggest seller in the store at this time.
Note: One link in this blog post is an Amazon affiliate link. I earn a small commission if you click on it and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
1. Handmade Soaps.
Surprisingly, I thought handmade soaps would have been my biggest seller, but while they do sell, I have not yet seen super fast turnaround for them. Now, this could be because I have not done a true, therapeutic line which I feel may be the key. You know those bars like an Activated Charcoal and Grapefruit Bar that's sure to cut oiliness and remove toxins? Something like that. Nevertheless, soaps are consistent sellers, but I anticipated much better.
Soaps are a great choice if you want to niche down. Forget naysayers who tell you the market is saturated, There is literally no such thing because there are just SOOOO many possibilities in soap making,
2. Candles
While candles are very seasonal, I have found that they are quite steady sellers at the store as people love to give them as gifts. With candles, like so many of the products, customers really do respond to fragrance. I always find that fragrances that are unique yet the customer recognises scent notes are the most popular.
ANY candle that has strong Berry notes outsells all the others. I can't keep Berry Candles in the store at all. They are all grabbed up in no time, In another post, I'll be sure to do my 5 best selling fragrances of all time.
If you're in Tobago, come into the store and smell the candles. Our Tobago Chocolate Tea Candle will be available and I think you'll love it!
It's a no hassle wax. This is the formulation that I use for my candles. Get it here on the website
3. Body Butters.
The very best thing about well made body butters is that customers will keep coming back for more. It's the one product that gets you recurring customers who will keep buying the same butter type over and over. In the store, I've tried smaller 4 ounce sizes, but customers always prefer larger sizes. So 8 ounces it is.
Customers have said that they love the feel of our butters but they are convinced very quickly, to buy when they take in the fragrances that we offer.
In the upcoming months, I'll be introducing a new service in the store where persons can pump their own Butters and Lotions. It's definitely one way of selling the product without having to worry about the perfect packaging.
Get a winning Body Butter recipe from The Big Book or Buy Butters in Bulk
4. Body Scrubs.
Definitely a runaway success, the popularity of Body Scrubs definitely surprised me. While the store now sells mainly Emulsified Scrubs, I'll be adding some foaming bath scrubs very soon as a whole colourful line leading into Christmas.
If you're thinking about a winning product line that doesn't feel saturated, perhaps a Scrub Collection is something to consider. I love creating scrubs, but I especially love creating foaming scrubs which have more of a marshmallow consistency.
Scrubs are another product type that just can't seem to keep on the shelves.
Book an Online, one on one foaming scrubs session with me
I purchased these from Amazon and I highly recommend them.
5. Body Oils.
Our most popular product type in the store is Body oils. Specifically, our Tobago Sugar Cake Body Oil is the product that persons come back for over and over.
The oil itself moisturises beautifully but the popularity of this one rests with the fragrance blend which I did myself. This speaks to the value of coming up with fragrance blends that are your signature blends.
This all over body oil was intended for all over moisture, but customers have said that they use it for sensual massage. Who knew?
This body oil is a nice upscale oil with mutli-dimensional fragrance. Scent notes are coconut, candy apple, pink sugar, freesia and cashmere musk. Customers can't get enough of it.
Be sure to leave a comment if this post helped you in any way and suggest ideas for more lists of 5 things.
Related Things:
The Big Book of Bath and Body Recipes is an update of The Everything Bundle. It's all the Recipes you need in one place.
Check out my Amazon Storefront: Its curated collections of things you might need if you're building a business. Tools, packaging and more.
Where is the store?
It's on Store Bay Local Road in Tobago. (Fritz Plaza)
Call us: 468 2197